Court Fines & Fee Questions:
Can I pay supervision and/or felony restitution fees here?
Supervision fees and felony restitution fees are paid through State offices in Helena. Their contact information is 800-801-3478. The mailing address is: Dept. of Corrections, Collection Unit, PO Box 201350 Helena, MT 59620. The payment must include your name, your Department of Corrections (DOC) ID No. (AO#12345), and the name of your current Probation/Parole/ISP Officer.
**Only criminal fines, public defender fees, and misdemeanor restitution payments are payable through the Clerk of Court.
How much do I owe on my criminal fines and fees?
This office can provide that information by phone at 406-932-5154 or email to the Clerk of Court. Please be able to provide full names and the approximate date of sentencing.
How do I reach the local Public Defenders Office?
The Office of Public Defender office is in Bozeman and can be reached by calling (406) 582-2450 & Fax: (406) 582-2451.