Noxious Weed District is dedicated to protect our resources and land against invasive species. Noxious weeds in most instances pose the single greatest threat to the environment and healthy ecosystems. The direction of the noxious weed program is to be as proactive as possible through public education and awareness, progressive weed management and cooperation with all entities-private, local, state, and federal.
Short Term Goals (1-5 years)
- Spotted and Diffuse knapweed eradication and containment program
- Memorandums Of Understanding (MOU’s)/Cooperative agreements with local, state and federal land management agencies.
- Aggressively expand integrated weed management program on leafy spurge in county on all affected acres.
- Move county ROW spray program into a maintenance spray program.
- Expand current Biological Control Program
Long Term Goals (5-10 years)
- Increase the technical and financial assistance to private landowners through grants and cooperative cost share programs.
- Reverse trend of the spread of noxious weeds to containment and eradication
- Involve local High School in research and demonstration projects
- Capital Building improvements for facilities.
WEED – Seasonal Laborer I