Sweet Grass County Annex
115 W 5th Ave
PO Box 888
Big Timber, MT 59011

Office Hours: M-F 8AM to 5PM
Titling Vehicles 8AM to 4:30PM

Phone: (406) 932-5151

Fax: (406) 932-3026

Phone: (406) 932-5151

Fax: (406) 932-3026

County Treasurer: Char Rasnick crasnick@sgcountymt.gov

Deputy County Treasurer: Jessica Talkington jtalkington@sgcountymt.gov

The Sweet Grass County Treasurer’s Office is responsible for receipting in money that comes to the various county departments and agencies including county schools. We also prepare and collect all county tax payments, process motor vehicle transactions, and collect driver’s license fees. Credit and debit cards can be used for payment. These transactions are processed through an outside vendor that charges a 3% convenience fee. Additionally, the office is required to keep financial records of county school budgets and produce reports for the schools and state entities.

Our office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, with the exception of holidays. We are open during the lunch hour for your convenience. We ask that if you are titling and registering a new vehicle  that you be at our office no later than 4:30pm. Please call our office to make special arrangements for those that can’t be in our office before 4:30 pm.





The Montana Supreme Court determined that the Department of Revenue has the authority to direct counties to levy above the current mill levy calculation limitation each year if reserved mills are determined to be available. The Department has verified that the school equalization mills – under the statutory limitations that adjust mills down when taxable values increase – are reduced from 95 mills to 77.9 mills for this tax year. However, the Department of Revenue, under the direction of the Governor’s Budget Office and Governor Gianforte, is directing the County to levy extra mills they hold in reserve to generate additional revenue from property taxpayers in Montana. The Supreme Court ordered counties to comply, therefore your second half taxes will necessarily be increased to comply with the request from the Department of Revenue as directed by the Governor and the Order from the Montana Supreme Court. This represents an additional 17.1 mills broken down as follows: 7.1 mills for State Equalization Aid, 6.0 mills for County Elementary Equalization, and 4.0 mills for High School Equalization.


For further clarification contact:

            Department of Revenue at 406-444-6900 or DORcustomerAssistance@mt.gov

            Governor’s Office at 406-444-3111


Please remember that the Sweet Grass County Treasurer’s Office and the local Department of Revenue employees did not play a role in this decision and the work they do is centered on complying with laws passed by the Legislature. If you have questions please stop in and see the County Commissioners.


The first half of 2023 Real Property Taxes are due by 5:00 pm on or before Monday, November 30, 2023. Unless the first half is paid by this date, the amount payable is delinquent and draws interest at the rate of 5/6 of 1% a month from and after the delinquency until paid and 2% must be added to the delinquent taxes as a penalty. (MCA 15-16-101). Second half taxes due 5/31/2024

Payments can be mailed to the Sweet Grass County Treasurer at PO Box 888, Big Timber, MT 59011. We also have a Drop Box located outside of our building, at 115 W 5th Ave, Big Timber, MT.  Payments can also be made online by credit card on the Sweet Grass County website at www.sweetgrasscountygov.com. or click on the tab below.

Questions? Please contact the Sweet Grass County Treasurer’s Office at 932-5151



Pay County Taxes Online


Vehicle Registration & Titling Driver’s License Information

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