Sweet Grass County Annex
115 W 5th AVE
PO Box 888
Big Timber, MT 59011

Office Hours: 8-5 M-F

Phone: 406-932-5152

Fax: 406-932-3026

Phone: 406-932-5152

Fax: 406-932-3026

Clerk & Recorder: Dawn Curry dcurry@sgcountymt.gov

Deputy Clerk: Julie Dodge jdodge@sgcountymt.gov

Payroll: Darlene Young dyoung@sgcountymt.gov

Election Administrator: Dawn Curry dcurry@sgcountymt.gov




As part of the Clerk & Recorder’s Office the Election Administrator is responsible for the administration of federal, state, county, city, school district and special district elections in Sweet Grass County according to federal and state election laws. Additional activities include deputy registrar and election judge training, petition drive signature verification, absentee vote processing and voter registration.

The Department maintains the voter’s registration files for approximately 2525 voters in Sweet Grass County. Maps of different districts and precincts are available in the Clerk & Recorder’s Office. Approximately 25 election judges and 25 for the counting boards are needed to work each election held at the polls. If a mail ballot election is held we only need folks to tally the votes.

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