Sweet Grass County Mountain View Cemetery Fees
Sweet Grass County Mountain View Cemetery and Reed Point Cemetery
Plots: Grave sites are 4’ X 10’
Grave lots are 20’ X 20’
County Residents – reside and pay taxes in Sweet Grass County $150.00
Out of County Residents – do not reside and pay taxes in Sweet Grass County $500.00
Veterans No Charge
Opening & Closing Fees:
Full Casket $325.00
Cremation $175.00
Babies $125.00
Use of fiberglass and cement liners are required.
All burials will be done under the supervision of the Sexton.
Opening and Closing for a cremation will be done by the Sexton, Darrell Elgen, or under his supervision. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Setting of the Head Stone may be done by the Sexton, Monument Company or by the family under the direction of the Sexton. NO EXCEPTIONS. All markers remain the property of the family and the county is not responsible for the maintenance.
One grave site can be used for one full burial, one full burial and one cremation, or two cremations.
All decorations, flowers, plants or any other ornaments must be within the cement slab that the grave marker sits on. All flowers and decorations remaining at the grave site for a period of ten (10) days after a burial or holiday will be considered abandoned and can be removed and disposed of by the Sexton to facilitate trimming and mowing of the grass.
All notifications must be made to the Clerk and Recorder’s Office of Sweet Grass County and payable to Mountain View Cemetery.
A complete Mountain View Cemetery Policy is available in the office of the Clerk & Recorder at 115 West 5th Ave., Big Timber, MT 59011 or call (406) 932-5152.